As the assassin named Flynn becomes the seer named Peter, the final leg of his journey begins to unfold. Pursuing the path of his kidnapped watcher, Peter is accompanied by an unlikely assistant as he discovers Ian had not been acting alone. The doorway to great power lies open before him. And it is his mission to destroy it once and for all.
While his foes continue dangling Monica before him, their leader, Valeria, snakes around Peter, intent on reminding him that he has not only been a pawn, but one out of his depth. And when Peter finally confronts the much older immortal, he realizes even his formidable powers might not stack up against the magical tricks Valeria has up her sleeve. It is a trial which pits his lingering killer instincts against his burgeoning humanity, with the life of a lover and a friend hanging in the balance.
Follow Peter across the globe, with allies both human and vampire along the way. Redemption stands as a prize left to be won should he succeed in his quest. But damnation’s tempting call could unravel the very fabric of the world should he fail.
Blade of the Slayer was previously published as Fate of the Seer
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